Thursday, April 11, 2013

Early ice storm

We had an early spring ice storm. The tree limbs are weighted down -- I can't even see my new bird feeders. I didn't leave the house yesterday. Better than not drawing at all, but I was not really paying attention.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Old bronze in gouache

This drawing was done this morning, in less than 30 minutes. The color on this drawing was done with a small travel set of gouache. I need watercolor, and especially a water brush. I've not used one, but I keep hearing artists talk about them. So -- all in all, at least I can tell what this is. The metal (bronze?) is corroded and I tried to capture the green-brown-blue hues of the dirt and patina. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Complex spices

This drawing was done in three sittings. It was still fun and gratifying to draw. I observed many things about my selection of spices that I didn't know before.