Friday, November 22, 2019

Merging three logos into one identity.

What happens when one bank merges with two other financial institutions, but they all need to keep their individuality?

Countless experiments and revisions, for one thing.

In recent years, Sunflower Bank merged with First National 1870 and Guardian Mortgage. Despite being legally linked, each needed to remain recognizable to its current customers.

Even before the merger, there was interest in updating the Sunflower Bank logo. It was designed in the 80s, and by the time I began working with the bank, it had already been revised several times. The options I presented used the existing color scheme and font, eliminated the yellow/red gradient (which was often difficult to print), and removed the blue enclosure. Here’s what I presented, but none of these were used.

sunflower bank logo revisions

Then came the merger. Here are the original three logos from each of the banks.
sunflower bank, first national bank 1870, guardian mortgage logo revisions

I pushed for a single identity that could incorporate aspects of each institution, but since the client wanted to maintain the equity built up within each of the names, that idea was rejected. So we needed to find a way to create a blended identity that allowed each bank to maintain its individuality. I won’t go into all the behind-the-scenes information that governed what could and couldn’t be done. Suffice to say, we pursued many different directions, and we progressed in stages. I designed dozens of variations and permutations. Here’s one of the interim versions that was used.

sunflower bank, first national bank 1870, guardian mortgage

One version of the final design appears below. It checks all the necessary boxes: font consistency, versatility in arrangement, and relative simplicity in design. The logos have to work together and separately, accommodate both horizontal and vertical layouts, and must include the disclosure indicating ownership. Sometimes practicality is the best form of creativity.

sunflower bank, first national 1870, guardian mortgage logo final revisions

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Grant through the years.

Ulysses S. Grant ballpoint pen portraits

I’ve been listening to Ron Chernow’s epic biography of U.S. Grant on CD (38 CDs!). While listening, I drew these five portraits of the past President with a variety of pens from this set of plain ol’ Bic ballpoints.

The drawings were mounted on 8″ square wood panels and were displayed at the Sandzen Gallery holiday show.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


somewhere between kansas city and DenverThanks to Jason Ryberg of Spartan Press for including three pieces of my work in his new poetry anthology, Somewhere Between Kansas City and Denver.

There’s a book release party scheduled for August 22 from 6-9pm at SPARK in Downtown Salina. See more info about that here.