There’s a book release party scheduled for August 22 from 6-9pm at SPARK in Downtown Salina. See more info about that here.
There’s a book release party scheduled for August 22 from 6-9pm at SPARK in Downtown Salina. See more info about that here.
I was reminded of him in a roundabout way after listening to a story about Steve Mumford, an artist who documented the Iraq War with drawings and paintings. Mumford’s Baghdad Journals are a moving account of the time he spent there. He was inspired by Winslow Homer’s documentation of the American Civil War.
Hearing about Homer reminded me of John Singer Sargent’s work done after spending time at the Western Front in 1918. His large painting, Gassed, was completed during this time. Definitely a master.
The front of the card shows Cupid aiming his arrow, and the fold-over closing panel says ‘Happy Valentine’s Day.’ Inside Cupid appears again, and the panel on the right lists some qualities of love: patience, kindness, trust, hope, perseverance. Click on the image to see it enlarged.
The message is a lovely poem by Charles Dickens:
Let nothing pass, for every hand
Must find some work to do,
Lose not a chance to waken love —
Be firm and just and true.
So shall a light that cannot fade
Beam on thee from on high,
And angel voices say to thee —
These things shall never die.
A limited number are available. Let me know in the comments below if you're interested.