Friday, March 25, 2022

More practice, less perfection.

The Bargue Drawings that I’ve done in our weekly group have been beneficial for developing ‘cold, hard accuracy’ (as one of our video instructors put it). I want to draw what I’m seeing, rather than what I think I’m seeing.

But recently we decided to venture into drawing from life instead of copying reproductions of lithographs. But finding models always seems to be a challenge. So we took the easy way out and used YouTube — who knew there were so many channels dedicated to life drawing!

We projected the videos onto a big screen, and instead of focusing on detailed accuracy, it was about capturing gesture with loose and immediate marks, in sessions from 1 minute to 30 minutes long. Totally different than Bargue Drawing, totally fun.

The image above shows a few of the life drawings I did in last week’s session, and below are some of the Bargue Drawings that I’ve completed so far (my copy on the left, originals on the right). 

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